How Does Cloud Storage Work for Security Cameras?


When choosing security camera data storage for your Bucks County, Montgomery County, Delaware County, Chester County, or Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, businesses, you can use a cloud storage system.
If you’re unsure how cloud storage works for security cameras at your New Castle County, Delaware, Gloucester, or Camden County, New Jersey, organization, Metropolitan Communications can help. This page discusses how cloud storage works and its benefits for security cameras.

The Difference Between Cloud Storage and Analog Systems

SecurityWhen people think of security camera storage, an analog system often comes to mind. These systems usually store security camera footage onsite and require a direct connection to the storage mechanism. Analog systems are also typically onsite, so you need onsite storage space.

Cloud storage allows video surveillance to be on an off-site server or device. As a security camera captures video, that video is sent to the cloud, which stores it. You can access that footage remotely and store as much of it as needed using an internet connection.

Benefits of Cloud Storage for Security Cameras

Cloud-based storage systems have a variety of benefits, from remote access to flexible storage space.

Access Security Footage Wherever You Are

Cloud-based storage allows you and other people in your workforce to access security footage remotely. All you need is internet access and authorization. This can reduce the need for on-site security or allow security to check in on the location after business hours.
If a security officer is on patrol, they can even use their smartphone to access the security footage of another area. This flexibility allows for more comprehensive coverage.
If a security officer is on patrol, they can even use their smartphone to access the security footage of another area. This flexibility allows for more comprehensive coverage.

End-to-End Security

Data Storage

Cloud storage comes with end-to-end security, which allows you to keep your security footage private and safe. Encryption can also help prevent loss of footage as it transfers from a security camera to the cloud. Since data is kept offsite, it reduces the risk of videos being stolen.

Store Footage as Long as You Want

Cloud storage allows you to hang on to your footage for as long as you want to keep it. You can adjust bandwidth or purchase additional space on the cloud to make room for additional files rather than delete previous security tapes. There is no physical space in a security office that you may run out of.

Cloud Storage for Security Cameras Works Across Various Industries

Cloud-based stooge for security camera footage is an option for many industries, including:
Our certified team can help create a cloud-based security system that works for your business’s needs. We’ll inspect your facility for good security camera placements and recommend areas that may need security. We can then install and maintain the system to ensure that it functions as it should from the cameras to the cloud.

Learn More About Cloud Storage Solutions for Your Organization’s Security Cameras Today

With cloud-based storage, your Philadelphia, PA, New Castle County, DE, Gloucester, or Camden County, NJ, organization can keep security camera data for as long as needed. If you want to learn more about cloud-based storage for your security cameras, contact Metropolitan Communications. We can discuss the best video management solutions for your Bucks County, Montgomery County, or Chester County, PA, business.

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